Discover an innovative, complete, and personalised approach to distance coaching: Coaching 3.0
Our e-coaching platform for individuals, whether professionals or not, offers you various tailor-made supports to help you resolve a problem, develop a project or a skill, or cope with a change. We propose an innovative solution to serve your professional circumstances and your geographical flexibility
We have a highly qualified team of e-coaches with diverse expertise. Certified Professional Coaches, members of the International Coaching Federation, who have been supervised and approved by our quality label in e-coaching, these men and women represent all the socio-cultural and professional profiles adapted to your needs. All of our collaborators have validated experience in the corporate, as Managers or Human Resource Specialists. With a view to excellence, our team continues acquiring and developing new skills and know-how over time, such as specific coaching methods, psychometric tests, and tools that would serve our clients.
To fulfil your requirements in an expedient, cost effective manner, we provide you with customised methods adapted to your profile. Organisations, individuals, or coaches, we stand by you with all our flexibility and efficiency to help you on your success path.
Looking to get coached?
For Managers or practicing or non-practicing professionals
We offer you a personalised and comprehensive coaching journey to cope with a transition, developing your performance or reflecting and achieving on your career aspirations. Our ambition: to support you in successfully accepting your professional challenges and facing the future with confidence.
Looking for a partner?
For an organisation willing to improve its know-how, interpersonal skills, and the quality of life of its teams.
We provide support to you and your teams through dedicated e-coaching journeys that are planned with you to integrate your values, mission, and needs in an expedient manner. Personal or group e-coaching journeys are offered in an virtual organisational space. You can steer the journeys along with us and carry out real time assessment with the help of specific tools we have developed
Looking to develop yourself?
For Certified Professional Coaches who want to grow, not just in terms of the quality of their interventions, but also their volume of clients.
To help you develop your business plan by involving our community of approved e-coaches on our purpose-built platform, benefitting from supervision/mentoring by a senior coach, or being supported through the ACC or PCC credentialing process of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
25 e-training modules in Management and Communication with unrestricted access. These are reviewed with your coach in line with your objectives and are integrated into your action plan to help you apply the methods and tools given therein.
Develop your talents and skills
Tools, videos, podcasts, exercises for self-reflection or for practice, and case studies, provided by your coach based on your requirements to complement your coaching sessions and help you progress further and faster.
Reflect and improve your practices
Weekly or monthly sessions with your personal coach in our video-conferencing room, fixed according to your requirements and constraints. Our virtual room offers the possibilities of sharing documents, working on a shared whiteboard, recording the session, as if you were present in person.
Act, interact, and modify your action
Online psychometric tests (Enneagrams, DISC, Motivators, 360°, etc.) and questionnaires to delve into some aspects of your personality, attitude, and communication.
Understand your needs, values, motivations, talents, challenges to progress better.
E-coaching is an innovative solution to serve the adaptability and flexibility of people and organisations.
It totally eliminates all constraints of time and space.
E-coaching is about excellent in coaching with human relations at its very foundation, complemented by resources and tools borrowed from state-of-the-art technology.
Time saver:
You are no longer dependent on the constraints of time and space, nor obliged to meet your coach in person. You are totally free to choose your time and your place. This is all the more beneficial for managers dealing with packed schedules, and frequent travels.
: Customised support comes to you as part of a personalised relationship with your very own coach. This is not about uberising coaching. Your relationship with your coach is at the heart of the process. Your coach co-creates your journey with you to help you achieve your objectives through the platform. Your coach is also accessible according to your needs
A comprehensive approach combining different methods and tools:
Your personal sessions with your coach are complemented with tests, online questionnaires, modules, podcasts, exercises, as well as tools to make you reflect and initiate action. You are at the heart of your development and you are proactive with the help of these diverse tools. That is what we call Coaching 3.0. We offer reduced costs compared to conventional coaching. We also have a flexible policy
for cancelling or postponing sessions. You get more at all levels while paying less.